Rajender Singh Chauhan
University of Health Sciences, India
Title: Interpretation of automated perimetry
Biography: Rajender Singh Chauhan
Current Gold standard in visual field testing is automated perimetry. Automated perimetry is helpful in detecting visual field defects in many neurological conditions and is an indispensable tool in glaucoma diagnosis. Although it has been around for quite some time now and with the advent of OCT, HRT and GDx the focus has shifted to preperimetric Glaucoma, but its value as a diagnostic tool in detection and progression of Glaucoma cannot be underrated. There are two types of perimeters worldwide Humphry and Octopus. Out of this Humphry perimeter is by far the most commonly used, hence here in this course we will be dealing with interpretation of a Humphry field analyzer printout. We will deal with the various aspects of visual field analysis like proper way of conducting the exam, common pitfalls and also the about fallacies in reading the printout. At the end of this course, the student will be able to have a basic understanding about automated perimetry and will be able to make interpretations regarding diagnosis and progression of glaucoma.