Navonil Sau
Vivekananda Mission Asram Netra Niramay Niketan, India
Title: Secondary glaucoma in a rural Indian eye hospital: An overview of dimension, profile and visual presentation
Biography: Navonil Sau
Purpose: To look into the magnitude and pattern of visual profile of patients present with varieties of secondary glaucoma.
Methods: A retrospective hospital based analysis of medical records of patients attending Vivekananda Mission Asram Netra Niramay Niketan, Chaitanyapur, West Bengal, India, over a period of 18 months (Dec 2013 – May 2015) was done in order to know the magnitude and pattern of visual profile of different types of secondary glaucoma walk-in patients.
Results: Out of 224 secondary glaucoma cases, 158 were Open Angle (70.5%) and 66 were Close Angle (29.4%). Secondary glaucoma patients comprised of 0.17% of total out patient, and Secondary Open Angle (SOA) and Secondary Close Angle (SCA) comprised of 1.63% and 0.68% of total glaucoma patients attended the hospital respectively. Male female ratio is 2.8:1 and 2.4:1 in SOA and SCA respectively. We found Psedoexfoliation Glaucoma was the most common cause of SOA and Neovascular Glaucoma was more common SCA glaucoma in our study. Mean presenting visual acuity for SOA was 1.16 logmar and 2.24 logmar for SCA. Mean IOP was 35.9 mm of Hg and 40.7 mm of Hg for SOA and SCA respectively.
Conclusion: In spite of unimpressively lower number of Secondary Glaucoma patients, management strategy of those patients should be prompt and effective considering their presenting vision.